Mailbag: How Should I Handle My Pension and Next Steps After a Layoff?

We have several great financial planning questions to cover in this week’s mailbag episode. Steve asks how to decide between taking his pension as a lump sum or as monthly income, and what other factors he should consider as he plans for his upcoming layoff and future steps. Amy asks how much she should set aside for taxes on the house and $100,000 in her late father’s checking account, as his only beneficiary. […]

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Unlock Your Potential During National Financial Planning Month

With National Financial Planning Month upon us, we’re sitting down with Barbara and Phil to uncover the strategies and steps that go into building a personalized financial plan. From that first phone call to implementing a strategy that aligns with your goals, this discussion will offer valuable insights for anyone looking to understand what it looks like to go through the planning process with a real financial advisor. […]

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Never Stop Asking ‘How Do You Know?’ – Navigating Retirement Planning

Remember when you were a kid, always asking ‘How do you know?’ about everything, like why the sky is blue or where the sun goes at night? That curiosity doesn’t go away as we get older; it just turns into different questions, like the ones we face when planning for retirement. Today, we’re digging into the ‘How Do You Knows’ of retirement planning. […]

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Mailbag: Your Questions About Social Security, Roth Conversions, Rollovers & More!

In today’s episode, we tackle your burning questions about retirement planning. Our first mailbag question comes from Mary, who is concerned about her portfolio’s performance and whether she should start taking Social Security now or wait until age 70. Matt asks about converting large amounts to a Roth IRA in one go. Patrick’s question about rolling over old 401Ks leads to a discussion on the advantages of consolidating accounts into an IRA. Finally, Ronnie asks whether it’s a good idea to have investments, taxes, and legal documents handled by the same firm. […]

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