Mailbag: Your Questions About Social Security, Roth Conversions, Rollovers & More!

In today’s episode, we tackle your burning questions about retirement planning. Our first mailbag question comes from Mary, who is concerned about her portfolio’s performance and whether she should start taking Social Security now or wait until age 70. Matt asks about converting large amounts to a Roth IRA in one go. Patrick’s question about rolling over old 401Ks leads to a discussion on the advantages of consolidating accounts into an IRA. Finally, Ronnie asks whether it’s a good idea to have investments, taxes, and legal documents handled by the same firm. […]

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Mailbag: I’ve Maxed Out My 401(K)- Where Should I Invest Additional Money?

Join us for a great mailbag episode today! This is your chance to gain valuable insights from the financial questions of our listeners. In today’s show, Chris asks where to invest additional money for retirement since he is already maxing out his 401(k). Tony asks if he needs a will, trust, or both to evenly split two rental properties between his sons after he passes. Tune in to see how Barbara and Phil answer these questions and more. […]

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Building An Estate Plan With No Regrets

There are some people who don’t care at all about leaving a financial legacy, but for those who do, it’s important to eliminate some of the common estate planning mistakes. In this episode, we cover topics ranging from poor expense planning to outdated beneficiary designations and family conflict triggers. We also shed light on some misconceptions about transferring real estate and explain the impact of tax implications on your estate. If you want to leave a legacy without regret or legal turmoil, this episode is a great starting point. […]

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