Survival Guide: Lessons Learned For The Next Stock Market Crash

So, we’ve all experienced what a market crash feels like in recent memory. If you had forgotten what it felt like in 2008, then 2020 should have been a sobering reminder of what it’s like to experience that sudden market drop. Now, we don’t know when the next market crash will come. Will rising virus cases now or a resurgence in the fall cause another one? Will the lead up to, or result of, the election cause turbulence? We just don’t know what factor is going to come along and serve as the catalyst for the problem. But what we can do is follow some basic rules to ensure we don’t lose our shirts next time the arrow on the graph tumbles down. […]

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Why Is The Stock Market Going Up When The Economy Is Going Down?

There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic caused major turmoil in the stock market, but it seems that the stock market has continued to go up since the big dip that initially happened. Some people are skeptical of this trend and do not think that the market will recover quickly, while others remain optimistic. Barbara and Phil will explain why this trend has been happening and where they think the economy is headed. […]

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Mailbag Edition

We’ve had a lot of great listener questions come in, so we decided to make them the focus of this episode. Beverly asks if she is properly diversified given the large number of mutual funds in her portfolio. Amber is curious if she is on track to retire with the amount of money she has saved at age 55. Barbara and Phil tackle these questions and much more. […]

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Solid Financial Truths

A lot of things in the financial landscape have an “it depends” resolution. It can be frustrating when things are so fluid and vary person to person. So, let’s discuss some financial truths that we can state with confidence and see what we can learn from them. […]

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